8.2. How to use?

Get started with the following user interface of Answers.

Status panel: Displays information of the currently viewed category, including the total number of open questions, pending questions and the total questions.

Breadcrumb: Navigates between categories and sub-categories easily. This bar also includes the search box with simple and advanced options.

Search box: Searches for questions and categories.

Action bar: Adds categories and questions, manages questions, imports, exports, prints, and controls settings.

Categories pane: Lists all categories in the hierarchical system. With one click on your desired category, you will be directed to the Answers viewing pane.

Answers viewing pane: Displays all questions and information about score and the number of answers of each question in the selected category.

The screen may look different for each role.


To hide/show the left panel, click / .

Roles and permissions

The following table summarizes who can do what in Answers.

Viewing details of the Answers application
Submitting a question
Sending a question via email
Watching/Unwatching a category
Subscribing RSS feed
Viewing user profile
User settings
Commenting on a question
Discussing in forum
Managing categories
Moderating a question
Answering a question
Editing an answer
Activating/Deactivating a question
Approving/Disapproving a question
Activating/Deactivating an answer
Approving/Disapproving an answer
Promoting a comment to answer
Initializing Answers
Setting properties of Answers
Setting up the FAQ portlet


Owners are ones who post questions or answers. Actually, they are regular users but can perform some extra actions on their questions or answers.

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