8.3. Administrator


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With the highest rights, administrators are in charge of the entire management tasks. In other words, administrators have the global role of doing significant jobs, including:

  • Setting up the Forum portlet

    Steps to configure the Forum portlet, how to specify the category scoping, to enable/disable the Forum components and a bookmarkable Forum URL.

  • Managing categories

    Steps to add, edit and delete a category.

  • Managing forums

    Steps to add a new forum, to configure the moderation settings and to delete a forum.

  • Managing users

    Steps to promote a user, to modify the forum settings, and to ban users.

  • Administrative tasks

    Details about how to configure Sort settings, to define censored keywords, to customize email notifications/BBCodes, to set up auto-pruning, to ban IPs, and to back up a category/forum.

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