3.30.7. Calendar caches


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eXo Platform provides 6 Calendar caches, including:

You can change values of these Calendar caches in exo.properties file.

# == CALENDAR Caches Configuration == #

# Calendar Cache Configuration - Group Calendar
#  - Standalone (time to live in seconds)

# Calendar Cache Configuration - Group Calendar Event

# Calendar Cache Configuration - Group Calendar Recurrent Event

# Calendar Cache Configuration - User Calendar

# Calendar Cache Configuration - User Calendar Setting

# Calendar Cache Configuration - Calendar Cache By Id

# Calendar Cache Configuration - Calendar originating datasource by calendarId

# Calendar Cache Configuration -Event Categories

The specific configuration of each Calendar cache can be found in:


The GroupCalendarCache caches the Calendar objects. This object contains metadata information of a calendar, such as calendar name, time zone, permissions. When any users access the cached group calendar, the metadata of this group calendar will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.


The UserCalendarCache caches the Calendar object. When any users access the cached user calendar, the metadata of this user calendar will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.


The GroupCalendarEventCache caches information about events, for example, summary, datetime, invitations, attachments. When any users show content of a group calendar (for example, its events, tasks) for the first time, a query will be made, then put the result to the cache. When another users access the cached content, its data will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.


The GroupCalendarRecurrentEventCache caches information about recurring events, for example, summary, datetime, invitations, and attachment. When any users show content of a group calendar that contains the recurring event (for example, its events, tasks) for the first time, a query will be made, then put the result to the cache. When another users access the cached content, the data query will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.


The UserCalendarSettingsCache caches information about calendar settings, such as datetime format, calendar filter, view types. When the user needs calendar settings, such as access to calendar page and need to render current view (month view, week view), a query is made and put the setting information to the cache. If another users access the cached calendar settings, the data will be directly retrieved from cache rather than the database.

Calendar Cache by ID

This cache will manage:

Calendar originating datasource by calendarId

This cache will manage originating datasource name ("jcr" or "task") to be able to search for the calendar information from the dedicated store.


The EventCategoriesCache caches event category names and Ids. When an event category is called for the first time, a query is made and data is put into the cache. For next time, when another users call the cached event category, its data will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.

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