3.30.6. Wiki caches


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eXo Platform provides 3 Wiki caches, including:

You can change these Social caches that are handled by PageRenderingCacheService in exo.properties file.

In particular:

# == WIKI Caches Configuration == #

# Wiki Cache Configuration - Spaces
#  - Standalone (time to live in seconds)

The specific configuration of each Wiki cache can be found in:


The RenderingCache caches content of visited wiki pages. When any users visit the cached wiki pages, their content will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.


The UuidCache caches Uuid of nodes that stores the visited wiki pages. When any users visit these wiki pages, Wiki gets the nodes by UUID in cache that is much faster than query in the database.


The AttachmentCountCache caches the number of attachments of the visited wiki pages. When the visited wiki pages are called, the number of page attachments will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.

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